Sanitising Powder (250g)


To use Sanitising Powder, mix 15ml powder with 2 litre warm water (Store in 2 litre soft drink bottle). Soak cleaned items in solution for 5 minutes. (For bottles and buckets pour solution into bottle or bucket and shake to wet all internal surfaces, hold for 5 minutes then pour into next). Rinse items thoroughly in cold running water after Sanitising. Solution is re-usable as long as it has a strong odour.

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SKU: CLNCHM010 Categories: ,


To use Sanitising Powder, mix 15ml powder with 2 litre warm water (Store in 2 litre soft drink bottle). Soak cleaned items in solution for 5 minutes. (For bottles and buckets pour solution into bottle or bucket and shake to wet all internal surfaces, hold for 5 minutes then pour into next). Rinse items thoroughly in cold running water after Sanitising. Solution is re-usable as long as it has a strong odour.

Important: Clean items with Alkaline Cleaner followed by a water rinse before using Sanitising Powder.

Active Ingredient: Sodium Metabisulphite.

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